April 5, 2012

Allie Journal

Hello! It's Thursday and I have to admit that I seriously struggled with my post this week. Ever lose your mojo? How do you get it back? I started project after project only to put it all away and start again. I wonder why this happens. Is it to help us stop, take a break and then look at your stash differently? Who knows. I am so thankful I got something out of it. After all that struggling I made a little journal book for my 6 year old daughter Allie. She's always asking for something like her sisters journal I made a while back. So, she was my inspiration. Here's her book...

 I think she'll love it. I have put some blank pages inside for her. She loves to draw and write notes back and forth. She loves to put the circle yes or no in her notes. SO cute. 
 I used a scrap piece of canvas for the background and used a Tattered Angels mask to add the design. I used Sweet Pea Glimmer Mist.
 I sprayed Dazzling Diamonds Glimmer Mist all over the cover and also added Chandelier Glimmer Glam onto the flowers, her name and around the edges. I used a paint brush to apply the Glam.

 I cannot tell you how much I love the Glimmer Mists and Glams, the Chandelier is my all time fave. The sparkle is fabulous!
I used  a lot of Prima too, of course! The flowers really soak up the Glam and it adds so much sparkle. I used Prima lace to hide the metal of the rings and I love the softness it adds. I would LOVE to go to the Sweet Retreat with all the fun and crafty girls. :( I tried to get myself there, it's just not working out. There is still time to sign up....lucky! Please got check out the fabulous store at yourmemorieshere.com to get yourself some yummy goodies!
  See ya next week....hope my mojo stays with me. :)