January 15, 2012

Another Week Has Flown By...

Good Evening blogland!

This post is rather late today...and I apologize deeply for that....I have been busy with catching up on housework and other mundane chores from the holiday season...and before I knew it...Sunday was almost gone!!

Today sees me sharing a layout I have done using some gorgeous Webster Pages papers.  Now for those that know me I very rarely do layouts anymore...there is a very long story as to why but suffice to say that I became rather burnt out on them so now I prefer projects to use my creativity on.  This layout was done for a very special woman in my life and for a special reason.  My dear friend Karen is going through a rough time in her life (and we all go through those times) and with us living in different states it makes it harder to reach out to give her a hug when she needs it most.   So I decided to scrap a photo of us together from June 2010.  You see this special woman I met through my husband, they were childhood friends. Life lead them in seperate directions and facebook (of all places) reconnected them...Karen and I became chat buddies as we counted down then days before I moved here to the USA....so a week before our wedding (which I knew Karen and family were travelling from Texas to attend) there was a knock at the front door, and she was standing there holding a bunch of flowers.  I screamed and took all the air out of the house LOL!  She is my chicky and I am her ducky.  We share a bond that I cherish every moment of the day.

ANYWAY - I digress...I have used paint to tone down the colours of the papers as well as some stamping to add some texture.  The stamp I have used is an older one from Prima.

Dont forget that there is also the Sweet Retreat in April that is being held/sponsored by the ever wonderful Kristina! All the details are on the link above and I for one can NOT wait to go..candies, crafts and wonderful women!! It will be awesome.  I look forward to seeing some of you there...but for now I will be back next week with another share.