January 25, 2012

Happy Wednesday

Hi everyone!  Today I wanted to share with you my latest project made with my Prima grab bag from Your Memories Here.  I still can't believe how many wonderful things I received in my box....and how many more I still have.

I love all the gorgeous goodies that my box had.  Papers, art tiles, butterflies, flowers, resins, trimsbling...oh my!  Here are just a few items for closer inspection.....
This box has given me so much to play with these past few months.  And yet, there is always more.  I am forever digging in to find more treasures.

That said....Winter CHA is upon us and Prima has released its sneaks of the lines.  And I can't decide which I must have.  So, I am asking you to help me.  Kristina is offering complete kits of each of the six new Prima lines in the store as a pre-order.  I think I have narrowed my choice down to these two...

What do you think?  Am I more an Almanac girl or a Nature Garden?  hmmmm, I so wish I could get both! hee hee  Be sure to check out both of these as well as the other four collections available for  pre-order at Your Memories Here.

Well, gotta run!  Be sure and leave me a comment with which I should get?  Thanks

