March 28, 2015

What would you do if you had your very own scrapbook store?

I received an email from my Sr. Director earlier this week. I get one every week because she is always trying to help us all be as successful as possible in our CTMH business. Being that I'm already an Independent CTMH Consultant I know all the wonderful benefits of joining the team. They started immediately when I signed up and received my consultant kit - Over $350 in products for only $99! In March it's an even better deal,

You're getting all these products (still over a $350 value) whether you choose the card makers kit

or the scrapbookers kit.

You are also going to receive the shoulder tote FREE with your kit (thats an extra $26 in savings!) And there is still more, you have the opportunity to earn the $149 rolling tote for FREE too.

Her email brought up a very good point, the choice is yours:

And that's the truth, we all love to buy scrapbooking and cardmaking supplies so what's the point in giving Michael's or JoAnn's your money when you can own your own store! You OWN your store! Do you ever think about that? It's yours, to do with what you want. You can buy from yourself at a discount, which is awesome! It's a great way to use this store but there's another one. If you own your own store, why not let OTHERS buy your goodies for you!! I don't spend my own money on my scrapbooking and stamping supplies anymore, instead I sell enough to use the profits any way I want to, to buy products for myself or to spend on other things, purses and vacations.

If you are ready to own your own store, get discounts on all your crafty supplies and even make some money doing what you already enjoy then click this link, and I'll be happy to have you join my team!

If you still aren't convinced, or are just plain certain you don't want to own your own store, I am happy to help you in any way I can. Whether it be locating supplies for you, explaining a technique you saw or providing inspiration to help you get a jump on your projects.