April 10, 2015

I Love a Good Deal

Ok seriously, who doesn't love to get something for free? I'm all about finding a bargain.
That's what these CTMH Deal of the Day grab bags are. Every day they offer a grab bag at certain price, it could be any where between $35 and $150. You chose if it's the right price point for you and if it is buy it (especially because you don't what the next days price will be and you don't want to miss out) What you will receive is all that and more - sometimes even more than DOUBLE the retail value!

Here's a short video I made showing the contents of my first grab bag. I paid $35 for this box of goodies and the value of the products inside exceeded $68! And not every $35 box is going to have these same items. Here's some of my friends $35 boxes:

I can't wait until my $150 box arrives, should be next week according to my shipping confirmation! Don't wait, get your box ordered. The sooner you do, the sooner it can be in your hands. When your box arrives I would LOVE if you would share a photo of the contents on the Your Memories Here facebook page!