August 17, 2013

Mixed Media apron

Hi friends! Yay for the weekends...Phew! we MADE it....again...LOL
I'm sharing with you today an apron I made thursday night. I received my latest order from Your Memories Here that included an adorable canvas apron by Prima. I saw a mixed media apron someone had created on Pinterest recently and it really peaked my curiosity to try and do one of my own for myself. SO! I took out some Adirondack color wash dye ink sprays along with some stencils and went to town! Here's what I came up with:

So what do you think? I am just pleased as punch the 
way it turned out. Thank you so much for joining me 
today and I hope you enjoy your weekend!! 

Okay, so I'm not too big to humble myself when I make a boo-boo. It dawned on me after I designed the apron, "hmmm, I wonder if I should have washed that first?" DUH!!! YES!! You washes off some sort of sizing. HERE'S some great tips that I should have read BEFORE hand but, you know me?!! Learning the hard way! So, after washing my beautiful mixed media apron, it became like brand new again... :o( Here's the updated version and as you can see, I hurried a little more with it and ran out of waxed paper I was using to mask the areas so ended up improvising which didn't really bode too well LOL. Hence, the areas of over spray. Which, in all honesty, I like even better. It's messy...just like me! :P Oh well, Live and Learn as they say! Don't forget to heat set it too after your done! Another boo-boo I made.