April 15, 2013

A BIG Hello from New York City!

Hello! Heidi Bound here & a HUGE hello from New York City!
I am so thrilled to be a part of the Design Team for Your Memories Here! What an honor to have the opportunity to share my art with such a wonderful community of artists. I received my first box of goodies from Kristina and could hardly pick up the box. It was packed full of oodles of Prima goodness. I used some of that good stuff to create a canvas (8X10) where I mixed the Zephyr and Engraver Collections with some flowers from the Prima Grab Bag.
Here is the canvas--aren't the colors so happy and bright? Can you tell I needed a little taste of Spring colors? This project is also a great way to use those beautiful scraps of paper that you couldn't bear to throw away.

These little birds came in the Grab Bag-they are that amazing resist canvas! I cut that crown off of a stickpin and glued it with a bit of hot glue. It's fun to look at your products and think outside the box when you use them.
Banners are all the rave! I love how the stickers in the Engraver Collection had banner pieces that I could mix & match. I used a bit of baker's twine that was on our pizza delivery box from dinner the other night! You never know where you will find great stuff to use on your art. I hope you enjoyed my first (of many) posts for Your Memories Here! I would love to hear from you in the comments section. Now...GO MAKE SOME ART!