September 5, 2011

Flower power layout-Prima

Another Monday reveal for me..Hi everyone!!!
here is a layout of my daughter Amber, when she was just starting school back in the day..LOL  I created this using Prima papers and lots of different Prima flowers.. Just so you know, I'm not much of a stamper, but when I got these amazing border stamps by Tattered Angels, I couldn't wait to play with them.. 
I cut a 3" x 8.5" piece of paper, stamped it using black ink and Tattered Angels Architectural Trims stamps and look at the nice border you can get.. Oh and both of the stamps edges align perfectly so you can make the stamped image longer than just the 6" which is the actual length of the stamp, but my trim is 8.5"...Brilliant!!
so, here are a few close ups of the layout:

 Here is the close up of the stamped trim... I really luv how it came out..

and the beatiful white lace trim by prima...delish !!

and my sweet Amber, she is 6 yrs old in this photo.. she just turned 22 in May..where does the time go?LOL

and for the supplies used..

from my own stash: 
prima Flower vine
turqoise and white flowers
big white flower
white liquid pearls
 black inkpad
metal clip

well ladies.. that does it again for me for today...  Thank you all so much for stopping and seeing what goodies I was able to play with this week..LOL   if you all need or want anymore information on this layout or any other project I've created, please stop by my personal blog by clicking HERE...
Hope everyone has a wonderfully creative week..