September 20, 2012

Cosmo Cricket, Glimmer Glaze, Mistables, oh my!

Happy Thursday YMH fans! Ashley here & I'm exited about this layout because there's so much goodness on it. The Hey Sugar collection by Cosmo Cricket is probably my favorite by them. & the pink lady Glimmer Glaze... to die for. Please go check these things out in the store.

I used lots of goodies on this layout. The papers are all Cosmo Cricket Hey Sugar & I lovelovelove them. Love all the pinks - it's my favorite color! SO pretty. I also used Prima writer's tape which is kind of cool & something I have never even heard of. Do I live under a rock? There are so many possibilities with this stuff. I curled a piece up and then painted the edges with pink lady Glimmer Glaze (which is so pretty - pink & silver) & then stamped on it.

The big circle I cut from a Pink Paislee Mistable sheet. Sorry, they're out of stock right now. I painted it with the same pink lady Glimmer Glaze. Sooo pretty. I just love that Glimmer Glaze.